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Some people simply ask far too many questions, almost taking on the role of prosecuting attorneys. Some will almost ask you "yo! what is the circumference of your anus?". Oh yes!

I was speaking to my dear friend and sister, Iyinoluwa recently and this issue of 'aproko questions' came up. So many people do not genuinely care that much about you, they just want to KNOW....such NOSEY people piss me off.

I have absolutely no problem with telling you my age, how I slept, how much I earn, if I save/invest, if I'm single or not, where I'm from, the gods we worship there, which Adeboye I am, how old my father is, etc. on a first meeting... but aren't there more intelligent stuff we could talk about? I had to show one my birth certificate recently. The guy shock! LOL. He met me where I'd gone to register for a professional exam so I had my credentials with me. As soon as he asked, I just showed him, and said "what now?". Because even if you tell them your age, they will say you are lying.

I understand the value in meeting people and the need to get to know them. I meet people for a living, so I think I should know, but...
'Wisdom is (definitely) profitable to direct' (Ecc 10:10). We should be sensitive enough to know what to ask/say and where to draw the line. Some people 'think' they are your friend, so they confer on themselves the title of 'your confidant' and then take it upon themselves to cross the line. Every inch of it. At every point in time.

On top of all that, you'll find out that your 'story' has become the hottest gist in town. That is totally unacceptable!!! What business do you have sharing information about me? Do I have a contract with you for you to be my publicist? Even publicists have work ethics; they know what and what not to share. Besides, having background info on everyone and being the go-to person for every kind of gist doesn’t exactly make you "cool". Naaaaaaa.

I try to be very polite but that I accept your friend request on social media or that I follow you back doesn't make us 'besties'!!! Let that sink in slowly... OMG! I've gotten a lot of hate mails / messages, saying "oh, you're so proud, you don't reply chats on social media". I'm so sorry you feel that way. But I DO reply messages, tons of them. Especially those that don't begin with: ; "baby gal", "i", "hey baby", "i angel', etc *lips sealed* LOL

Some people apparently have doctoral degrees in snoopery, monitoring spiritry, and ameboism. No! We should learn to respect boundaries. Respect is reciprocal.

If I don't volunteer further information on a leading question you have asked, maybe you should just rest it. If I want you to know, I'll tell you.

And then some people are so quick to get angry and take offense that someone didn't tell them something. If the person wanted you to know, (s)he would have volunteered that info for your consumption without you even having to ask. And that (s)he did not tell you DOES NOT mean they don't value you. Give people a benefit of doubt and don't take yourself too seriously. For example, if you were not invited for someone's wedding and you got to know from other sources, just be happy for them and wish them well. If you think you guys are that close and (s)he should have informed you, let them know nicely and accept their apology. No need for grudges. A negative mind will never give you a positive life. 

Sorry o, but you can't make me say anything I don't want to say, except of course you are: BFFor Jack Bauer. 

Respecting boundaries isn't limited to conversations. If you share a house with someone, check in with them before inviting a bunch of people over. You wanna use something that isn't yours? Ask! (LOL ...Momma thinks I need to do this more). And so on... Treat others like you want to be treated.

Caveat Emptor: We should however be careful not to be too elusive or uptight; because the other person could genuinely be showing interest in you for all you care. Be nice. Be friendly. Make friends. But be sensitive and reasonable.

Unity and faith, peace and progress.


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