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GET A LIFE: GIVE!!! by Oyindamola Ibiyemi

So we all know so much about giving but we all still don't give. We keep saying "I don't have enough".  We aim to have more not minding the ones who don't have at all. The little you give out will go a long (or even short) way to make someone happy – very happy. Someone's happiness is dependent on you.

There are always those in need around you. There is always the little girl who will appreciate your generous 50 Naira. Most children that are poverty stricken did not bargain for it. They came to the world innocently and they have had to suffer every day. I was in a northern state recently and I was amazed at the number of children that beg for food daily. Infact they wake up every morning and walk (mostly bare-feet) long distances to specific spots where they are given a day's portion of rice! It’s a pathetic sight to watch. They stand and queue
in fifties all day for three soup spoons of rice mixed with palm oil and salt! If you mistakenly walk four feet from them you will run from the odour oozing from them. It is these same children that are used to start crises (all they have to give them is a little bit more rice).

My point is this: help that little girl or boy who doesn't have good clothes in your neighbourhood. Help that poor family you know, don't forget the babies in orphanages. Your monthly BIS subscription will give someone ‘a slice of heaven’. Be nice to the hawker you buy stuff from in traffic, say thank you to your house help, say good morning to your gate man/driver, re-arrange your wardrobe and find someone to give those clothes to...

Give, Give, Give... you will always have more to give. God is NOT unjust to forget your labour of love   

...heal the world, make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race...
It's the law of nature (and of God) that when you give, you will receive (maybe not exactly what you gave but you WILL definitely receive).
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted". - Aesop

Spread love, not hate.
Put a smile on someone’s face today.
Smile! Give!

Oyindamola is a 'lawyer-in-training' at the Nigerian Law School, Abuja Campus.
I can tell you for free that she gives the best and warmest hugs. She's a deep deep lover of God and man. She's downright down-to-earth and real but very warm and really nice!
She's my dear friend-turned-sister (Been Besties since Primary 1 at Trinity Nursery and Primary
She threatened to sue my *** if I write anything incriminating and 'defamous' about her, the bad thing is she's a lawyer *sigh* so I'd better stop here.
I'm out of here before I get into any trouble.


  1. Word!real word for thought,may we find strenght to give!*nicee one sis*

  2. Word!real word for thought,may we find strenght to give!*nicee one sis*

  3. Word!real word for thought,may we find strenght to give!*nicee one sis*

  4. omo, i really love you


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