I, Agbeke Adefunke Adeboye will totally date/marry someone 20years older... HAPPY NEW YEAR FAM!!! I know. I know… and I have no excuse. Absolutely none! In my defense, I actually started to write a couple of times but then I either lost the document(s) or somehow, I just didn't get round to completing them… I’m so sorry. I promise, it will be better this year. (yeah, I know today’s date already...hehe ) Okay, let’s get straight to the meat of the matter… I recently met 2 really REALLY cool guys (at different times)… They love God, can strike and keep a conversation, downright intelligent, well-read and travelled, driven, down-to-earth, thoughtful, spontaneous, one of them even likes Mercedes, and all those nice things BUT, he’s 40ish - both of them. So for the first time, I actually really gave it some thought, very serious thought o, like: “I could totally date/marry someone up to 20 years older than me” *dodges slaps and stones…lol Eas...
Live. Love. Learn. and by all means, Laugh.